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Everything we do at St Andrew’s is made possible by your generosity.

Gift Aid

If you are a UK taxpayer and eligible to Gift Aid your donation, please complete the form below and return to the church office or the email on the form. This will increase your gift by 25p for every £1 given (at current rate), at no extra cost to you or us.

Ways to give

Standing Order

Set up a regular payment via your bank account, using the account details below.  

Account name: St Andrew's Church, Moulsecombe
Sort code: 40-14-03 Account number: 40724513
Reference – Your full name

Donate by card

You can use our Donate Platform to set up regular or one off giving.  

Donate in person

You can also give by cash or cheque at any Sunday service, or by giving your donation to any office staff during the week.


Would you like to run a marathon, arrange a sleep-out or do a bake-sale for St Andrew’s? Or perhaps you have another creative idea you want to try. We would love to support you, promote your fundraising efforts and celebrate your success.

Please contact if you have any questions around fundraising or would like to share photos of your fundraising efforts.


You can include St Andrew’s within your will by the addition of a straightforward clause. Gifts from legacies can make an enormous difference to the life of the church and the impact on our local community. To help you consider what you possess and who you would like to give it to, see this template to help.

To give a share of your estate to St Andrew's, use this wording “I give ____% of my residuary estate free of all taxes to the Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of Moulsecoomb (registered charity number 1131166) in the Diocese of Chichester for its general purposes, and I declare that the receipt of an officer of the Parochial Church Council shall be a sufficient discharge to my executors and trustees.